How Many Lumens for a Desk Lamp

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We all hope to create an energy-efficient home and office space. Although we might prefer natural light, it isn’t always an adequate light source. As a result, we have to look at other options. Using bright light while performing delicate tasks can be overwhelming.

That is why it is beneficial to understand how many lumens we need for an energy-efficient desk lamp. By choosing wisely, we will be able to create an ambiance that makes us more productive while leaving a light footprint. 

What is the difference between Watts and Lumens? 

When asked about types of bulbs, most people might tell you that the wattage count on a bulb tells you how bright it is, but this is incorrect. Interestingly, the lumen count on a lightbulb informs us how bright the bulb is. Watts simply shows the amount of power needed to fuel the bulb. A 60-watt lamp bulb, for example, might not be more brilliant than a 40-watt bulb, but it will require more power. 

As a result, for bright light, you would require higher lumens. White light, for example, will have much higher lumens than ambient light. So when it comes to the brightness of light, don’t focus on watts. Instead, keep your eye on the lumen light numbers. When it comes to your desk lamp, continuous light should be chosen correctly. 

How to Choose the Best Lightbulb 

Light has the incredible ability to set the mood in our homes. Reading light, for example, offers a much cozier atmosphere than LED lights. If you have been fortunate enough to get your hands on the perfect desk lamp, you might be asking yourself which bulb would be ideal for the lamp in question.

Of course, the level of light required would play an enormous role in deciding which lightbulb to purchase. For example, in the case of task lighting, you might be tempted to choose a brighter light, while a yellow light would seem more appropriate for a bedside lamp. With so many types of light at hand, it is beneficial to examine a few of the most popular lightbulbs on the market today. 

The Four Most Popular Lightbulbs

Incandescent bulbs

The most widely used lightbulb remains to be the incandescent bulb. These bulbs create light by burning a filament. We have been using incandescent bulbs for more than a hundred years. It is no surprise that they remain popular due to their great variety in size, the ability to create light, and a vast display of color temperature lightbulbs.

These bulbs are also pretty versatile and, even though mismatching voltage will lead to decreased lighting, it won’t decline the lifespan of these bulbs. 

Halogen bulbs 

A version of the incandescent lightbulb that has been growing in popularity is the halogen bulb. Halogen bulbs are a type of incandescent bulb, but they use halogen gas to produce a fresh light instead of a filament. Because of their incredible reliability, halogen bulbs are popular choices for light fixtures and compact lights. 

Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs 

People who prefer energy-efficient lighting want a bulb type that can produce bright light without being inefficient. The perfect solution is a compact fluorescent light, also known as a CFL. These bulbs use compact fluorescent tubes to create the optimal level of brightness while remaining energy efficient. 

Light Emitting Diode bulbs 

Lastly, a lightbulb that enjoys a wide following is the LED bulb. LED stands for Light Emitting Diode, and these bulbs create a variety of brightness levels with the help of a process called electroluminescence. As a result, these bulbs come in a great selection of light colors, sizes, and prices. 

hand holding a lightbulb

Which Factors Should be Considered when Choosing a Lightbulb? 

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by selecting types of lightbulbs at your local hardware store? You might have wondered what the difference in light might be when it comes to all the bulbs displayed in the store. The good news is that selecting a lightbulb can be a painless process if you know what to look for. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing your next lightbulb. 

The shape and base of the lightbulb 

There are three main lightbulb shapes: globe, spiral, and reflector. Keep the features of light in mind when selecting the perfect shaped bulb. Similarly, a lightbulb can have a pin base or screw base. It is essential that you check which one of these is required. 

The Color Rendering Index of a Bulb

The Color Rendering Index or CRI of a bulb is a reflection of how the lightbulb might make an object appear to us. Therefore, if you are about to undertake tasks requiring near-perfect color rendering, it is best to consider lightbulbs with a CRI of at least 90. 

The Color Temperature of the Bulb 

We have all had the misfortune of staring at a bright lamp for a second too long. The brightness of lamps is affected by the color temperature of the bulb. Degrees Kelvin, also known as K, is used to measure the color temperatures of bulbs. If the degrees Kelvin on a bulb is low, for example, around 2700K, you will get a warm light, making it a perfect desk lamp choice. 

However, the higher the degrees Kelvin of a lightbulb, the brighter the light will appear to be. As a result, the bulb’s light will appear to be less yellow and appear to be a bluish light. So, naturally, if you choose a bulb that has a color temperature of 5,000K or more, you’d be selecting a bluish-white bulb that will provide a large specter of light.

Although this is great if you need a lot of lighting, it is essential to keep your adjustable task light in mind because overexposure to light of more than 5,000K can be taxing on the eyes. 


When it comes to intelligent purchases, selecting lightbulbs that match the voltage supplied by the light fixtures is the way to go. In fact, choosing a lightbulb with a voltage that matches as precisely as possible is recommended because it will allow you to get a much longer lifespan from your lightbulb.

If you choose a lightbulb with incorrect voltage, the voltage draw can lead to a decreased lifespan of your bulb. When it comes to incandescent lightbulbs, choosing a bulb with a lower voltage than your light fixture will lead to lower light levels. 

The Area You Want Lit 

When it comes to selecting the perfect bulb, it is crucial that you keep the space of the light in mind. For example, you wouldn’t require the same light in your garage as you would in your bedroom. For a cozy atmosphere in your home, bulbs with a light footprint are ideal, whereas you might prefer soft white LED lightbulbs in your study.

It is also essential to consider the size of the space when choosing a lightbulb. If you plan to light a large room, CFL lights might be a good choice, whereas halogen bulbs are great for continuous light in a smaller space. 


It is really not necessary to allow the vast world of lightbulbs to intimidate you. Instead, consider the factors mentioned above and you will be delighted by the incredible differences a well-chosen lightbulb can make in your home.

Consider your space, the fixtures, the lumens, and the color temperature of your bulbs, and you can create areas in your home or office that are a delight to the senses. You might even become a master at finding attractive options at the open-box or clearance section of your local hardware store. By making intelligent choices, you’ll be able to enjoy fresh light that is efficient and mood-boosting.